Wealsohaveourusual columns
thismonth. Bruce leadsoffwith
theeverpopularDCC Impulses
on signalingyourDCC layout.
InGettingReal, JackBurgess
explainshowdispatcher sheets
wereusedon theprototype
andhowa railroad is runusing
TT/TO (timetable/trainorder).
KenPatterson showsusmore
of JeffMeyer’swonderfulwork.
Publisher JoeFugatehas this
month’seditorial on largehome
layoutswhileAssistant Editor
DonHanleyproposes “Failing
Faster” in thismonth’sReverse
Running–no fooling!
Finallyweend themonth’s
issuewith theApril prod-
uct news, events, andour
Derailments humor/bizarre
facts column.
Have a great read thismonth
and keep the trains on the
(click here)
MRH staffnotes - 8