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Accessing theMRH podcast
In the lastmonth, there’s been some discussion on theMRH
website about how to best access theMRH podcast.
If you don’t knowwhat a podcast is, it’s basically an Internet
radio program, and you can listen to it with a computer or
just about any devive that can connect to the Internet.
Tofind theMRHpodcast, just go to:
Thispodcast episode list not onlyhaspodcastmp3’s you can
downloadandplay, it alsohas issuesof themagazineon it as
PDFs. If youuseapodcastmanager like iTunes, you canhave it
autodownload theMRHmagazinePDFs for youaswell.
Formobiledevices, you canuseapodcastmanager app toget
someextra valueout of our podcast feed. Here’s some recom-
Pocketcast ($4), AntennaPod (free)
Apple iPad/iPhone:
Podcasts (free), Downcast ($4)
iTunes(free), Instacast ($20)
: iTunes(free), Zune (free)
TrainMasters TV comments ...
We tend to lurk on the various forums and railroad-related
Facebook pages, watching for interesting discussions on
model railroad topics, and for unvarnished feedback on
MRH and TrainMasters TV.
MRH staffnotes - 4