50. MRH14-04-Apr2014 - page 19

Questions, Answers&Tips - 2
Bend thewire stickingout of the fasciaat another 90degree
angle, and cut it tofit over bothmagnets. Buildtime is less
than20minutesper brake, onceyouworkout thedesignand
have theneeded supplies. Themagnet-anchored stopswill
holda lot ofweight.
JoeAtkinsonusesa similarbrake system,withamovablewire
toholdcars inplace (3). It'sdesigned todisengageautomatically
as soonas thepressureof theaxleagainst thewire is removed–
thewire fallsback in theholewhen thecar ispulledaway.
Thatway, operators can't forget todisengage thebrakeand
derail on thewire, or damage locomotivedetails. Thewirewas
later paintedgrimyblack, so it’snowmoredifficult to see.
3: JoeAtkinson’s brakes disengage automatically – the
wire falls back in the holewhen the car is pulled away.
JoeAtkinson photo.
1-2: Thecompletedcar stop. Thewirebrakepositionsare
markedwithayellowdot on thesideof the rails.Once
operators learnhow touse them, theydon’t give thema
secondnotice. ThomasGasiorphotos.
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