46.MRH13-12-Dec2013-P - page 43

Some background
Since this discussion revolves around a lot of electronic termi-
nology, you may wish to review my column on basic electronics
in the December 2012 issue
before you press on with this column.
In the DC (analog) days, fancy power packs had a pulse mode
that was an attempt to provide that shove to get the loco mov-
ing. At low speeds some pulses of voltage were added to the
low-level DC, in an attempt to overcome inertia and stiction.
In some of the power packs, pulse mode was used throughout
the speed range, as folks found they had smoother operation
that way. Pulse mode used throughout the entire speed range
is actually pulse width modulation (PWM).
1: Locomotive drive line with flywheels (HO Atlas
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