46.MRH13-12-Dec2013-P - page 35

for operating, includ-
ing generating train lists
and routing cars. Other
commercial software for
modelers can also gener-
ate switch lists.
Let's assume he's talk-
ing about casual opera-
tions, using the switch
list (5) as a way to move
cars around. You need
some sort of a form, a
pencil, and some idea
of where the cars in a
train are to be set out,
and what cars are to be
picked up from sidings
or interchanges. Some
people use car cards and
waybills to keep track of
cars and destinations,
and the waybills will tell
you where cars are to
go. You can also skip that
step and make up a list
on the spot, based on
the cars and destinations
5: A blank generic switch list form can be the basis for
simplified freight train operations on a model railroad,
identifying cars in a train and their destinations. Search
via Google for “switch list” for examples.
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