44. MRH13-10-Oct2013-P.pdf - page 45

the operator's office, and they
sign for the orders. If the train
order signal is set to yellow,
the operator goes out to the
station platform and hoops up
the orders to the crew as they
pass by without stopping.
Did you get that? Train order
signals tell trains where to
look to get train orders. Most
recently, train order signals
used lamps. But for my 1952
era I wanted to use train order
semaphores. With the SP
influence on the BC&SJ, lower
quadrant train order sema-
phores seemed like just the
thing for me.
I searched the Internet and
found that Tomar sells lower
quadrant train orders and
placed an order at my LHS,
I also needed
a means to operate them and
selected the Dual 3-Way servo
controller from Tam Valley.
With the semaphore and con-
troller on their way, a visit to a
local R/C aircraft hobby shop
netted me a pair of HiTech
HS-55 servos.
3: A Tomar lower quadrant
train order semaphore.
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