8 and 9: I made a bracket to hold the servos from scraps
of plywood and fiberboard. It's important that the servos
are held securely in place. If they move around it will
be impossible to make the semaphore blades operate
Remember the 1/4" hole for the semaphore? The two
control wires are parallel but slightly less than 1/4"
apart. The servo pivot arms must be close to each other.
I staggered the servos to facilitate this while keeping
each pivot arm clear of the other.
I made an L-shaped bracket for the servos from scraps I had on
hand (8 and 9). The bracket needs to hold the servos securely
and provide a sturdy mounting point below the layout (note
the two mounting holes in the 3/4" plywood base).
Installing the semaphore
The Tomar instructions say to either glue or spike the sema-
phore in place pressing only on the base (to avoid damage to
the delicate ladder, blades, and mechanism). I chose to use
spikes so I'd be able to remove the semaphore if I screwed up
the mounting (10).