have to be iced once, at initial icing when they are outbound.
Packers without pre-coolers are likely to order cars pre-iced,
which then have to be initially iced as well.
Concluding Remarks
The cars, icing facilities, and operations connected with Pacific
Fruit Express are an interesting story and can largely be mod-
eled conveniently today. I have provided examples of some of
the opportunities, without going into a lot of detail about any
individual car modeling projects, because I only want to sug-
gest scope, not to lay out too many specifics.
The modeler who needs only a couple of PFE cars in a fleet of
freight cars can choose whatever is attractive on the roster of
Table 2, if modeling 1953 or a time close to it. For other model-
ing periods, a roster like Table 2 should be constructed for the
modeling year chosen, to permit choosing cars in a realistic way.
Here, of course, I assume that
car choices are intended to be
in proportion to the PFE ros-
ter. If not, one can choose any
appealing models.
As for operations, anyone can
use the outline above of PFE
practice to handle model PFE
cars appropriately, including
movement of empties, load-
ing and icing cars, and moving
loads to market.
GR - 15
MRH-Oct 2013