7: Bob Rivard's latest freight car project is this Kadee 50 foot
cushion frame box car.
Bob says, “Thanks to fellow modeler Frank Jordan for turn-
ing me on to this one. Highball Graphics makes this decal set,
F-243. Kadee offers the car in this 1965 paint scheme, however
the green is too new for my 1977 modeling era. I removed the
lettering and re-painted the car using a more faded PC jade
green. The Fallen Flags web site provided the prototype photo
of the 18095.
If anyone is interested, you can see my 1977 Soo Line RR on
. The video was
wonderfully shot and edited by Douglas Hildebrandt. Last year
I replaced my 25 year old Grisswald scratch built signals with
ones made by Mark Pruessler of Sheboygan, Wisconsin.
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