2: John Winters photographed this Pennsy GP-7 #811 as it
crossed the city viaduct heading South to Connellsville with
an empty string of hoppers on the JDS&E.
The JDS&E went into receivership in the late , 20's. The Penn-
sylvania Railroad seized the opportunity to own a North South
bridge route connecting Johnstown with Rockwood. The B&O
has trackage rights on the JDS&E, with a connection at Debster-
grove to Connellsville.
The GP7 is an Atlas model and is running on a Micro Engineer-
ing bridge kit.
We think John's done a great job capturing a gritty urban scene
from the mid-20th century with this model scene. The low
camera angle adds drama and realism to the photo. This is
some excellent modeling and photography, John!
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