Yes, it’s a model - 4
6: Over to Norway, Tore Hjellset posted this photo of a train
on its way from Rise Station.
Tore describes the setting: “It’s June 1965...
“...and the privately owned railway company GFB (Grimstad
Frolands Banen) is operating a small strech of track from the
Norwegian coastal town of Grimstad up to Rise, some 20 kilo-
meters into the country. There it meets the NSB (Norwegian
State Railways) line from Arendal. NSB still runs passenger
trains on the Grimstad Line, but all the freight is now handled
by the GFB. In real life, the Grimstad Line was closed down in
1961, but in my imagination, and in my layout room, it survived
and we're now in 1965.”
To learn more, see
MRH-May 2013
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