Coming next issue
For the love of model trains
Coming in June
We tour Rob Carey's incredible
D&RGW Tennessee Pass
Sound on your layout
Modeling a rail bumper
MOPAC shorty caboose
Modeling Erie boxcars from the
1950s finale
AAR Rail clearances reference
and lots more!
More Derailments humor ...
One day while working on a construction project, a railroad company
truck was stuck in the traffic. As my co-worker and I walked by, one of
the guys in the railroad truck hollered at us wanting to know how long
before the roadwork was completed?
My co-worker replied, “When the trains run on time!”
Q: Why can't an engineer be electrocuted?
A: Because he's not a conductor!
Q: What is the difference between a school teacher and a steam
A: The school teacher tells you to spit out your gum, while the
locomotive says "Choo Choo Choo!"
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