MRH staff notes - 4
Last issue's editorial ...
Last issue's Publisher editorial asked you if you feel MRH
should lead by the hand or if we should just point the way. The
comment thread to this editorial made a lot of good points, but
a favorite is this post by MRH subscriber sdbanjo:
"There are a wide variety of modeling skills out there, run-
ning the gamut from newbies who have just purchased a basic
starter set and aren't sure how to move past a circle of track on
the floor to the old timers who have layouts I continue to mar-
vel at and envy. I think the main print magazines have settled
into roles by which one is aimed at the more advanced mod-
eler and the other is more basics.
"Each has their place, but MRH is in a unique position of having
the ability to appeal to not just one or the other but the whole
spectrum of modelers. I am not a rank beginner nor am I a wiz-
ened expert. I have a lot to learn but am comfortable with the
"With MRH I always learn something new and am never bored.
Combining a magazine format with the content and forums of
the web site, I could see producing articles that are pointing
the way, but with helping hands available a click away if some-
one wants to know more.
"It's tough for print magazines to be 'all things to all people'
because you need to find a target audience and not alienate -
and in hobbies, someone is always unhappy about something.
MRH is something special, something that has come at the
right time and the right place fusing technology and a hobby
that all of us care about. "
Well said, sb.
By definition, special interest
magazines are passion-based
publications - or at least
they should be if they're well
We see MRH's role being
mostly pointing the way, with
some leading by the hand
where it makes sense to do
so. It's also good to remind all
our readers that if you're just
reading the magazine, you're
only getting half the picture.
The quality of our comment
thread posts and website
posts often rival the maga-
zine content.
It's also true we see our
articles as living documents,
thanks to the comment
thread that goes with each
article. We encourage the
authors to drop by the com-
ment thread and to post
answers to questions, and
to post further insights to
expand on their article.
Readers, likewise can post
their own experiences and
insights, making the combi-
nation of the magazine article
When talking
to hobby
to mention
MRH-Mar 2013