Publisher’s editorial-2
One important aspect of a mas-
termind group worth mention-
ing: you must be willing to have
others in your group critique
and challenge your modeling.
While it's not always comfort-
able, this is a vital part of the
mastermind process. Remem-
ber critiquing is not criticizing.
Be willing to put your ego in
check and listen. As one who
has had my modeling cri-
tiqued, it's not always pleas-
ant. However, when I've taken
it to heart, my modeling has
benefited greatly.
Having a mastermind group
does not mean you exclude
other modelers from your
circle. Your mastermind
group are those in your cir-
cle you influence and who
influence you most. In a larg-
er club you can have several
groups going on at the same
time. Group members can
and do change over time.
So how do you build a mas-
termind group? You need to
develop friendships first. Once
you have developed friend-
ships, take the next step and
ask them to critique your work,
MRH-Mar 2013