Peninsula construction!
A regular report on the construction
of a 1950s-something layout
ugust 13, 2011 was the date of the most recent BC&SJ
op session. That is, it was until now. With the comple-
tion (well near-completion – the turntable is still inop-
erable) of the new, improved, and hopefully final South Jackson
yard, the railroad was again ready to run on February 9th. A crew
call yielded 13 eager operators and around 7:30 p.m. the first
trains made their way out of staging and onto the layout proper.
Amazingly, things worked pretty well, especially considering the
layout had been idle for 1-1/2 years since the previous session.
Because there was a considerable amount of tested but untried
track in South Jackson and the main staging area, I elected to keep
things on the simple side. The track schematic hadn't changed
– the railroad got longer, so we re-ran the previous train lineup.
Instead of a fast clock, dispatcher, radio headsets, and TWC (track
warrant control), we used mother-may-I dispatching to launch
trains, and smoke signals to prevent unfortunate incidents on the
mainline (cornfield meets).
Up the Creek column
by Charlie Comstock
The Bear Creek and South Jackson is
running again!
Up the Creek Column - 1
South Jackson Gazette
BC&SJ Trains Resume Operation!
Last weekend, locals gath-
eredat theSouthJacksonGrill
where Gastonary Delyte was
dishing up hors d'oeuvres
and Horace Fithers was talk-
ing up a storm about the
resumption of operations on
the BC&SJ railroad.
Said Horace, "It were almost
like the trains never stopped
running! All the new tracks
worked purty near perfect
like and the older parts of
the railroad just kept roll-
ing along liken they never
stopped. I was so happy, my
heart like to burst!"
Others were quick to agree
and even quicker to line up
for the free drinks provided
by the railroad.
BC&SJ Superintendent of
Nearly Everything, Charlie
Comstock, promised oper-
ations would continue
and be expanding shortly
once more terra-firma was
A clipping from the
constructed and the railroad
laid tracks on it.
This reporter is confident the
good times (and trains) will
continue to roll on the tracks
of the Bear Creek.
Enjoy the Gazette?
Train crews and trackside giants
working together to expedite
a train swapping blocks at the
new South Jackson yard, a sight
long missing from the BC&SJ
that brought smiles to the faces
of local railfans.
MRH-Mar 2013
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