3. I solder scraps of wire to the speaker pads. Use
30-gauge or smaller wire.
They are 10.6 mm wide by 25 mm long by 3.8 mm high. The
sound samples for various U.S. prototype prime movers
sounded promising, as well. So I decided to try to do a sound
installation in a typical first-generation hood diesel in N scale:
an Atlas RS11, using the Fox speaker and the ESU LokSound
Select Micro.
Prepping the speaker
My previous experiences with sound installations in N-scale
steam tenders had taught me that in order to achieve the
best sound from the tiny speakers we are limited to using, the
speaker should be set in a sealed-box enclosure. While I know
there are installers who disagree, I have never found another
way to get sound even close to what I achieve with a sealed-
box enclosure. So my first step was to build an enclosure
around the Fox speaker. Given its 9 mm width and the typical