Roy returned to the hobby after a
20+ year hiatus in 2009. A fan of
the Canadian Pacific maroon and
gray, Roy models the ‘50s and ‘60s
on his two level 7 x 10-foot Ghost
River Railway, a fictional logging and
mining subsidiary of the CP. Geared
locomotives dominate the logging
branch with first- and second-gen-
eration diesels seen on the branch
main. Living in a hobby shop void,
Roy enjoys kitbashing, scratchbuilding and problem solv-
ing. He is a returning contributor to MRH, with his first
contribution the Rock Molds using Kitchen Caulk article
in the MRH issue 10 – Nov/Dec 2010 issue. Roy and
Anne live in Port Alberni on Vancouver Island.
Ken Rutherford –
Western Vancouver Island Industrial Histori-
cal Society
Kevin Hunter –
Western Vancouver Island Industrial Historical
Al Kutaj, Roadmaster –
Southern Railway of Vancouver Island
Railway Association of Canada –
for the kind permission to use
excerpts of the Canadian Rail Operating Rules