off-black color which looks better under layout lighting and
details don’t tend to become lost. To mask then ends, I used
the thin strip technique again. You can see here that this time I
have covered the whole car including the roof; I don’t want any
over-spray hitting the sides or the roof at this stage. My tech-
nique of masking twice does use a lot of tape but when cars
are as detailed as these, I don’t take any chances.
I thin the mixed black paint 50/50 with thinners, painting at the
same pressure and distance.
On this job careful masking paid off. There was no bleeding
of paint under the tape anywhere on the model. Some areas
were missed, in particular the front of the coupler boxes, the
8. Badger Crescendo airbrush.
Painting/decaling resin car -
MRH-Dec 2014