The format of my switch lists
generally follows the proto-
type YV switch lists. My clear-
ance cards also are replicas
of the actual prototype forms
and list any train orders an
operator needs to have in their
possession before leaving their
departure station. Figures 3,
4, and 5 are of a prototype
YV switch list and the front
and back of my own switch
list. Figure 6 shows one of my
clearance cards.
It seems there might be a
couple of types of model rail-
road operators. One type, and
possibly the most common for
many layout owners, are mem-
bers of the regular crew. These
are the ones who show up on
a regular basis, maybe once a
month or more often, to oper-
ate a layout. They might have
also been involved in certain
5. The YV used milepost designations on their switch
lists for cars to be switched along the line. Instead, I
use station names and siding names. The siding names
match the prototype ones. The back side of my switch
list includes this graphic to assist a visiting operator.
The two or three letter abbreviations under the station
names are the telegrapher’s abbreviations.