brass wire pieces in the handrail kit or bend your own from
one long piece of wire. I use the second option for my mod-
els but this does take some practice. You also have to decide
if you want to solder the handrails to the stanchions or glue
them. Soldering definitely makes the strongest handrail, but
you have to be careful not to melt any parts on the plastic
shell. I suggest the use of flux, heatsinks, and perhaps a low-
temperature solder. On my recent models I have used Mi-
croscale MicroBond to glue the handrails to the stanchions, in
fact I now use MicroBond in all situations where I used to use
regular CA adhesive.
Continue with all the other handrails, following the Smokey
Valley instructions and photos. When drilling the vertical
35. View of finished front pilot.
Pan-Am Railways SD45R - 17
MRH-Oct 2014