Yes It’s a Model
We’re taking a one-month
siesta with
Yes, It’s a Model
to allow us to fit some other
content into this issue. In one
sense, we can make an issue
as large as we want, that’s
true. But larger issues take
longer to build and proof, so
only so many pages will fit
into a month.
This issue has more than
enough content and there
are fewer images for this
month than we’d like, so
we’re going to skip a month.
Yes It’s a Model
will be back
next month, with a full col-
lection of great modeling and
superb photography.
Jeff Johnston’s
logging cabooses
Speaking of changes to this
issue’s lineup, Jeff Johnston’s
logging cabooses article has
been postponed to the Octo-
ber issue. Jeff’s article is nice
and big, and the magazine
MRH staff notes - 3
was just getting a bit too fat to still get done in a month, so we
pushed this article to next issue.
The monthly issue gauntlet is a balancing act. In the case of
MRH, we don’t have as many limitations as print, but we still
have the same number of hours in a day as the print maga-
zines do!
Would you like a hardcopy?
Model Railroad Hobbyist has traditionally been all-digital, but
that’s going to change come 2015.
First, we’re going to start making our eBook titles available
either as eBooks, softcover, or hardbound. That’s right, you
will have your choice, with each of the versions priced ac-
We’re also looking into making it possible for you to order
a hardcopy version of the magazine. Naturally, a paper copy
of an issue of MRH won’t be free, and you’ll not only have
to pay for the cost of the printed edition, you will also be
charged shipping.
But if you absolutely feel you need a hard copy, we’ll be
making it available for a price.
Of course the digital version of MRH will remain free, as al-
What’s new on the MRH website
If you’re not visiting the MRH website from time to time, you’re
missing some great content. Many of the MRH website regulars
say that’s it’s like getting an extra free magazine each month.
Here’s some of what you are missing:
Vertical easements and rigid framed steam locos