Also new are five road names for 4750 triple-bay covered
hopper cars including the Sands of Iowa set for a light
blue car. The others are Tidewater Grain, Missouri Pacific
(screaming eagle), Missouri Pacific (buzz saw medallion),
and Farmers Coop. Added to the most recent listing are
decals for a Great Northern 70-ton twin-bay covered hop-
per. Visit the above website to order.
New wet decals from
Microscale Industries
include Southern
Pacific 26’ ore cars
(above left); locomo-
tives, freight cars,
and cabooses for
U.S. Army, Air Force,
and Dept. of Defense
(DODX); EMD Leasing
(EMDX), and SOO Line (SOU) ex-Milwaukee “Bandit” locomo-
tives (above right). All are available in N and HO scale. Also new
are N, HO, and O scale decals for Southern Railroad (SOU) wood
chip cars and gondolas.
News column - 17
MRH-Jun 2014