plans to release an N
scale 40’ PS-1 boxcar
during the 4th quar-
ter of 2014. Two
numbers each will be
available for Ann Arbor, Atlantic &West Point, Central of Georgia,
Louisville & Nashville, Rock Island, Virginian Railway, and Great
Northern. The N scale ready-to-run model will have an MSRP of
$27.95. An undecorated version will list at $21.95.
Also coming from
Atlas in the 4th quar-
ter of this year is a
90-ton open hopper
complete with a load
of coal. The Trainman
series model will
be available in three numbers each for Conrail, BNSF, Burlington
Northern, Clinchfield, Norfolk &Western, and Rio Grande. The
ready-to-run model will have an MSRP of $18.95. An undecorated
version of the N scale car will list at $13.95 each. All Atlas N scale
cars come with AccuMate operating couplers.
released an N scale
EMD NW2 diesel
switcher in five deco-
rating schemes. In
addition to the Great
Northern version shown above, the ready-to-run locomotive will
be available for Union Pacific, New York Central, and Pennsylvania
Railroad. It will also be available painted yellow and black but with-
out any lettering. The model has an MSRP of $149.00.
News column - 14
MRH-Jun 2014