52. MRH14-06-Jun2014 - page 245

models will be decorated in UP’s Heritage scheme as applied to
equipment used in excursion service from 1993 to 2000.
WalthersProto pas-
senger equipment
to match the UP
Heritage E9 loco-
motives will be
available beginning this October. The mix includes five ACF 85’
cars: a coach, a dome-coach, a diner, a dome- diner, a dome-
lounge (above), and a Budd-built 10-6 sleeper. All are HO scale
ready-to-run models.
Walthers has just
released a
Mainline® series
ALCo DL109 diesel
locomotive. In addi-
tion to the
Milwaukee Road scheme shown illustrated here, the HO scale
ready-to-run model is available in four different New Haven liver-
ies; McGinnis, Cranberry, Hunter Green with gray stripes, and
Pullman green with simplified striping. Visit the above website for
additional details and pricing.
Walthers is sched-
uled to release a
group of PRR class
N6B wood cabin
cars with centered
cupola in July. A total of six decorating
arrangements will be available including
the one shown here with a black cupola
and a shadow keystone positioned above
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