PICAXE circuit - 9
Parts list and kit availability
The parts used to build the controller include:
18 pin socket
circuit board
L298N H-bridge
7805 voltage regulator
4 @ 2 amp Schottky diodes or 1N4001 silicon diodes
3 @ 0.1 mfd bypass capacitors
4.7 mf tantalum capacitor
3 @ 5mm LEDs, red, green, amber
3 @ 3mm LEDs, blue, green, amber
6 @ 470 ohm resistors
10K resistor
22K resistor
Vishay TSOP4838 infrared receiver
3 pin header for programming
2 @ 2 pin headers for power to track and DC power in
heat sink for L298N
fuse or poly fuse - 3 amps - either in the power supply or added
between the power supply and circuit board
TV remote control that can generate Sony codes
MRH-Jun 2014