52. MRH14-06-Jun2014 - page 118

They will have an
open or closed
depending on the
practice of the
prototype road
which includes Delaware & Hudson, Louisville & Nashville, Frisco
Line, Maine Central, Santa Fe, and Seaboard Coast Line. The ready-
to-run models will have an MSRP of $34.95 each. An undecorated
car will list at $24.95.
Also coming in
the 4th quarter
of this year is an
Atlas Trainman®
kit for a 1937
AAR 40’ boxcar.
Three numbers each will be available for Canadian Pacific (Spans
the World slogan), Detroit &Mackinac, NC&StL (Dixieland slo-
gan), New York Central (jade scheme), Union Pacific (Road of the
Streamliners slogan), and Genesee &Wyoming. The kits will have
an MSRP of $18.95. An undecorated kit will list at $13.95.
has released its
Heritage series
GE ES44AC and
SD70ACe diesel
locomotives. Decorating schemes available on the ES44AC are
Central of Georgia, Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania, Nickel Plate Road,
and Southern Railway.
Decorating schemes for Bachmann’s Heritage Edition SD70ACe
include Wabash, Erie, Jersey Central Lines, Virginian, and New York
News column - 7
Central. Visit the
above website for
additional infor-
mation including
details on the
sound systems
available and
Additional new
items from
Bachmann include
a Silver Series 50’
6” drop-end gon-
dola. The HO scale ready-to-run model comes with different loads
for each road name: Western Maryland (scrap load), Nickel Plate
Road (tire load), Denver & Rio Grande Western (steel coil load),
and Reading (crushed rock load). Visit the above website for pric-
ing and availability on specific road names.
Over the next
several months,
Broadway Limited
will release
individual cars for
both the 1941 and
1953 versions of
Southern Pacific’s beautiful Daylight train. The skirted prewar cars
(above) were lettered “Southern Pacific Lines”. The postwar cars
were not skirted and “Lines” was deleted from the letter board
(next page).
MRH-Jun 2014
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