Also new are five road names for 4750 triple-bay covered
hopper cars including the Sands of Iowa set for a light
blue car. The others are Tidewater Grain, Missouri Pacific
(screaming eagle), Missouri Pacific (buzz saw medallion),
and Farmers Coop. Added to the most recent listing are
decals for a Great Northern 70-ton twin-bay covered hop-
per. Visit the above website to order.
New wet decals from
Microscale Industries
include Southern
Pacific 26’ ore cars
(above left); locomo-
tives, freight cars,
and cabooses for
U.S. Army, Air Force,
and Dept. of Defense
(DODX); EMD Leasing
(EMDX), and SOO Line (SOU) ex-Milwaukee “Bandit” locomo-
tives (above right). All are available in N and HO scale. Also new
are N, HO, and O scale decals for Southern Railroad (SOU) wood
chip cars and gondolas.
News column - 17
The opinions expressed in this column are those of the writer
and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Model Railroad
Hobbyist or its sponsors. Every effort is made to provide our
readers with accurate and responsible news and information,
however, neither Model Railroad Hobbyist or the writer of this
column can be held responsible for any inaccuracies or typo-
graphical errors that may inadvertently appear in this column.
Send us your product announcements
If you are a hobby manufacturer with a product announce-
ment, just
and submit your announcement to us.
MRH-Jun 2014