Three custom
cars are available
now from the
Torrington Area
of Torrington CT. The HO scale ready-
to-run cars include a 50’ Conrail X71 boxcar with one door
painted green. The door on the opposite side of the unique car
is the same color as the car body. The model is available at
$30.00 each.
The second and
third cars are
Trainman PS-2
covered hop-
pers. One has
a Guilford G
(above) and the other a D&H shield. The covered hoppers are
priced at $25.00 each. The PS-2 cars were produced for the club
by Atlas. Visit the above website for ordering information.
“Amtrak Power, Volume 3” has been released
Morning Sun Books
. Authored by Stephen M. Timko, this
volume completes the Amtrak Power series
by covering the electric fleet from the his-
toric GG-1s to the lesser-known Amtrak E44s.
Metroliners, AEM-7s, HHP8s, RDCs, Turbos,
and the Acela trains are all reviewed.
News column - 3
Additional new books available from Morning Sun include
“Appalachian Coal Mines and Railroads In Color Volume 2:
Virginia,” featuring the work of noted Appalachian-area pho-
tographer Everett Young.
Also “Railroad Critters In Color Volume 5,” with over 330 new
photos of minority builders including Atlas, Davenport,
Plymouth, Porter, Vulcan. Small industrial locomotives built by
Baldwin, EMD, and GE are included.
Signature Press
) has
released “The State Belt – San Francisco’s
Waterfront Railroad.” The book tells the
story of the state-owned railroad that
served the piers and industries of the San
Francisco waterfront area, interchanging
with Southern Pacific at King Street, and
with Santa Fe, Northwestern Pacific, and
Western Pacific by car float. Additional details including pricing
are available at the above website.
Atlas O
released informa-
tion about the
next production
run of Trainman
series 60’ heavyweight passenger cars. A coach has been sched-
uled for release during the 3rd quarter of 2014. It will be deco-
rated for Burlington, Chesapeake & Ohio, Milwaukee Road, New
York Central, and CNJ/NJDOT as illustrated here. Three-rail
MRH-Jun 2014