Getting Real Column - 6
be widened further by wiggling the tool from side-to-side,
while inserting and withdrawing it from the rail joiner [13].
The main line is laid with code 83 rail, which is appropriate for
the Kansas City Southern Railway in the 1940s. For contrast,
the sidings are laid with code 70 rail, and lesser-used industrial
spurs with code 55 rail. The contrast in rail sizes enhances the
prototypical appearance. This means that when laying track, a
transition is required between the different rail sizes. The code
83-to-code 70 transition is made easy by a transition track,
Walthers number 948-898 [14].
Unfortunately, the transition track section is NOT flexible. Of
course, one of my industrial sidings requires a section of track
to be curved. That can be accomplished by turning the transi-
tion section over and cutting away the plastic pieces that join
the ties under the rail, on one side of the section. This will
allow the section to be bent (be gentle!).
14. Walthers code 83 to code 70 transition track.
MRH-May 2014