51. MRH14-05-May2014-P - page 164

11. The center sill is added finishing the double-
hung window.
Lay two pieces of Evergreen #291 Right Angle vertically in the
jig on both sides, and glue them to the other pieces with MEK.
Notice that the two right-angle pieces fit between the first two
vertical pieces you put in the jig.
Cut a piece of 2x4 slightly longer than the distance between
the two right-angle pieces, and glue it vertically in the jig at the
bottom of the window; this is the window sill.
Glue another piece of 2x4 into the jig below the window sill;
this piece is cut to the width of the window, even with the two
right-angle pieces. This completes the lower part of the win-
dow frame.
A comment: By using the #291 right-angle pieces over the ver-
tical 2x6 pieces in the jig, the window frame becomes all 2x4s.
Windows and doors - 7
MRH-May 2014
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