Dispatcher sheets
Modeling real railroads andwhat they do
hereappears tobeagrowing interest inTT/TO (time-
table/trainorder) operationsby layout operators. I
discussed someways toadapt prototypeTT/TOopera-
tions tomodel layouts inmy July2013
Amongother items, that articlediscussed the
importanceof employeetimetables as a sourceof prototype
informationwhich can form thebasisof realistic layout operat-
ing sessions.
Pleasekeep inmind thatmyknowledgeof operationsunder
TT/TO is limited tohowmyprototype, theYosemiteValley
Railroad,wasoperatedbasedonpaperwork from the railroad
anddiscussionswithmoreknowledgeable individuals. TheYV
was a77-mile-long short linewhich ran from connectionswith
theSPandATSF inMerced toEl Portal, at thewesternbound-
aryof YosemiteNational Park (1).While theYVwas a short line
GettingReal column
by JackBurgess
Dispatchers' recordsgivean insight intodaily
operations ...
GettingReal Column - 1