currentlyavailable. Stores, swapmeets, andeBaymight yield
someold stock. Hopefully, itwill soonbeavailableagain.
NCEpromiseda system called ( SIG12 )manyyears ago. As
I understand it, the signal animator portionof theSIG12
worked just fine. However, the folks atNCEwanted to include
the sophisticationof aneasy-to-install system thatwould sig-
nal that secondblockahead, too. Thus, a clear signal (green)
wouldguarantee that thenext twoblockswere clear. Getting
all this toworkunder a lot of conditionshasn’t yet happened
and theunit remainson the shelf.
Signaling the entire pike
Sophisticated signaling systems take intoaccountmore than
just occupiedblocks. Turnout position comes intoplay, too.
Consider a scenariowhere themain track in thenext block
isoccupied. A signal animatorwouldgivea stop (red) signal.
However, if youhavea scheduledmeet andyour partner is
already in theblockon themain, youbothwill see stop signals
8: BLMA signal bridge (4025a) inHO-scale. Photo cour-