50. MRH14-04-Apr2014 - page 187

Storage options
on the layout
StagingandSidings: Cars canbe semi-permanently stored in
hidden stagingor on the sidingsout in theopen. Thenum-
ber of cars is limited to the capacityof these locations. Rolling
stock canbe storedaspart of staged trains.Operations-based
layouts canutilizeunused staging (if it exists) for car storage.
Thisoption isbest because it generallydoesn’t require the cars
tohandledby the0-5-0 switcher (i.e. your hand).
Staging cassettes: This storageoption is gainingpopularity. A
cassette is adetachableobject (usuallyawood tray)with stor-
age trackson it that is storedoff the layout ina rack. The cas-
sette is attached to the layout tomove trainsonandoff the
railroad. Thedisadvantagehere is that aplanmust bedevel-
oped toprevent trains fromhitting thefloor as the cassette
ismoved. Therearemanyoptions in this category; check the
hobbypress for recent articles.
Off the layout
Storageboxes: Storageboxes (54) area commonway tohandle
cars that arenot neededon the layout.Make sure the cars are
stored standingupright tominimizedamage to thedetails. The
disadvantagehere is thatweget into the “out-of-sight, out-of-
mind” situationwhereyoumaynot rememberwhat youhave
storedaway.Manymodelers I knowhave this issue (including
myself at times). Theup-side is the rediscoveryof cool cars
thatwere forgotten.
Display cases: Display cases are anexcellent choice if you
have the space andmotivation. I knowof onemodelerwho
loved tobuild cars andfilledhis basement train roomwith
display cases and shelves. Hehad several hundred cars on
display all thetime.
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