Eliminate0-5-0 transfersor direction changesof trains/
Allow for casual runningwithout needing to runa train
backward to return it to its startingpoint.
Afive-milemain line looks likea lot ina train room, but
comparedwithevena small railroad it’stiny. Selective
(more likeheavyhanded) compression isdefinitelyneeded.
I’ve tried tobuild the scenery toflow smoothly fromone
scene to thenext –no jarring transitions – to compensate.
23: TheNewSouthJacksonyard isstill plywood. Scenery
won’t start hereuntil themainline iscomplete.Until
thehugeBearCreekyard iscompleted, SouthJackson
servesas themainyardof theBC&SJ. Thefirst scrap-
box yard–quickly thrown togetherwithscraps from the
previous layout –wasbuilt earlyon topermit serious
operation. Itwas tornout and replacedwith this improved
versionusingexperiencegained fromeight yearsof ops.
BearCreek&South Jackson-1