tohandle trains going inandout of staging is apossible
solution. Another solution is automatingup-the-helix
operation so anup train stops short of Toh Jct. (TopOf
Helix). A crew launches their train, leisurely saunters
around the layout, thenpicks it up againonce it reaches
the topof thehelix. This is theAchilles heel of theBC&SJ
track plan.
Lackof helix visibilitymaybeaproblemonce thepeninsula
backdropand sceneryare installed. Crewsmayfind it
difficult to follow their trains’ progresson thehelix. I’m
hoping LEDoccupancydisplayswill help.
I’mnot certain afive-milemain line is sufficient for TT&TO
operation. Some say 10miles of track and10 towns is
needed! Gulp… So far, TT&TO seems tobeworkingwith
a three-milemain line and three sidings. Hopefully opswill
improvewhen thefinal twomiles ofmain line and two
additional sidings are added.
10: ShootingAlcoMania inOakhill inApril, 2010.
BearCreek&South Jackson-1