concretefloor…). Insteadwe
figureoutwhat happenedand
how toavoid it.
I use4x fast clocks tokeep
time. I find this ratio is fast
enough that a train’s schedule
doesn’t have the same leaving
time formultiple stations, but
it’s relaxedenough toavoid
hypertension fromwatch-
ing theminutehand zoom
around the clock face. Jumping
betweenwall and railroadtime
is easywitha4:1 ratio, too.
If only I’d known…
Withaproject of this complex-
ity it’s inevitable that problems
slip through thedesignpro-
cess. TheBC&SJ isnoexcep-
tion. Hereare some things that
Whena trainheads from
main staging to themod-
eled railroad, it disappears
into thehelixat oneendof
the150’ aisle, eventually
reappearingat the far
end. That’s a lot ofwalking
for crews to followa train!
Useof a stagingmanager
9: BC&SJ employee
timetables include
train schedules,
special instructions,
an abbreviated rule
book, andother helpful