50. MRH14-04-Apr2014 - page 70

A clipping from
The South Jackson
It’shard tobelieve, but
theBearCreek andSouth
Jackson railroad, at least the
one inour current universe,
isnow 10years old!
SaidHoraceFithers, unof-
ficial spokesmanof the
crowdgathered at theSouth
JacksonTavern to celebrate
the railroad’s birthday, “Well
yaknow, I’m tickledpink
our railroadhas achieved
some longitivity.We’re all
hopin’ that it continues
on fer agood long spell,
too. Fact is,weprobably
wouldn’t knowwhattado
withourselveswithout the
railroad.Mr. Comstock, he
alwaysdone right byus and
we ‘preciate it!”
Others in the tavernwere
quick toagreewithHorace
andevenquicker tohelp
themselves tomore cakeand
Mr. Comstock, BC&SJ super-
intendent of nearly every-
thing, commented, “I’m
deeply touched. Building a
railroadhasn’t always been
easy– therehavebeen some
hard timeswhen itwasn’t
runningdue to construc-
tion. But they’ve always,well
almost always,workedwith
us topush the rails through.”
It appears the railroad is
hoping to complete local
universe expansionandget
back to layingmore track
Construction is rumored to
alreadybeputting together
plans forTerraForming™.
Applications for permits to
pioneer thenewareas are
being received in record
numbers at the railroad
offices inOakhill. Thisnews
crew is expecting to seenew
hills andgreen stuff coming
ourway soon.
15: Thenewmain leadseast fromBearCreek in
December, 2013. TohJct. (TopOf Helix) in the
foregroundconnects thedouble trackhelix to (left to
right) SouthJackson, Browning, and theToledoBranch.
I expect to beworking on
the railroad until they carry
me out of the train room in
a box.
What will it be like
when it’s done?
I hope itwill look likea rail-
road!One thing I thinkwill
makeahugedifference is
having theendsof the rail-
roadconnected. Currently
it’sapoint topoint (actually
point to loop) layout. Trains
arriving inSalem (temporary
westend)need tobemanu-
ally turned toheadeastor the
locosmanually transferred to
Pocatello (eastendof the line
inmain staging). I’mhoping
thathaving theeast andwest
endsof the railroad share
main stagingwill:
Bear Creek&South Jackson- 13
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