plywoodwith terrain toavoidgettingnasty splinters and to
fireproof theground.
I often listened to thePrairieHomeCompaniononNPR
(national public radio)whileworkingon the layout. I thought
thenames in their credits suchasAmandaReckonwith,Warren
Peace, andSandyBeachwerepretty fun.Overtimea cadreof
local citizenswith similar name styles evolved inTheGazette.
Thebest knownof these isHoraceFithers. Horace is loudand
hasopinions and isn’t afraid tovoice ‘emwhether heknows
muchabout anythingor not. Sometimes though, heexhibits
remarkable insight andhe’sfiercely loyal to the railroad. Some
people claimHorace ismyalter ego.
GastonAridelyte, chef at the local greasy spoon, blamesflying
saucers andMartianswhenanythinggoeswrong.
Others includefiremarshal S.T. Behr, railroadengineersAbe
EuhnettandBehl Ringher, local skinflint retailer XavierMuney,
andelectricianMannitzDaark.Mannitz andGastonplay check-
erswhenever theyget a chance.
Hillmover’sConstruction, developersof theTerraForming™
technologyused to transformbareplywood to lush surround-
ings, ismentioned inmanyGazettearticles.
14: GastonandMannitz appearedmysteriouslyon the
rear deckof anSPCab-Forwardduringanop session.
Now theymigratearound the layout andhavebecomea
sort of “Where’sWaldo?”
Bear Creek&South Jackson- 12