46.MRH13-12-Dec2013-P - page 149

But I do wonder about the argument people can’t afford TMTV,
and because of that they’re somehow being excluded. If you can’t
find an extra $4.00 a month, then maybe you can’t go to a party,
either. We all have to pick and choose where we spend our money.
Did you notice there were 50 responses on that MRH
thread about YouTube versus TrainMasters?
I scour YouTube myself for information, and not just for
trains: everything from how to refinish furniture to recipes. But
it often takes a lot of scouring to get what I want.
TrainMasters can guarantee even though you might not find
everything you want in a particular segment, you’re going to
be entertained by it. TrainMasters offers a dimension to your
video experience that you don’t get anywhere else. It’s pre-
sented so you’re not distracted by how it’s presented.
We craft TMTV’s videos carefully to draw you into an unfolding
story, which isn’t what your average YouTube video does.
Yes, TMTV draws you in, and keeps you in! Somebody
on the thread about YouTube vs. TrainMasters talked about
“speed bumps.”
Yes, “speed bumps” can ruin a story’s flow and kill your
viewership numbers. Your typical YouTube video is full of
speed bumps.
In text, you get speed bumps when the words don’t flow
right, and typos can slow you down too. You were in the flow,
getting the concept, and then BAM! The flow goes off into left
field, or you can’t make out the word because of a typo, and
your thought process gets interrupted.
When you hit one of those, you say, “Now where was I? What
was this trying to say?” It happens in video, too. The video
does a jump-cut where the continuity gets lost, the erratic
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