46.MRH13-12-Dec2013-P - page 151

but it should have been longer. My first reaction was, “Wow! I
thought 20 minutes was too long!”
What you say is true about a lot of YouTube videos. I’m
watching along and keep looking down at the progress bar.
When is he going to get to the part I am interested in? Come
on already!
I don’t want to just be critical of YouTube videos. With
the democratization of media it isn’t that everybody
be on
YouTube, it’s that everybody
is on YouTube!
How do we know
the video is accurate? Does anyone ever challenge what’s in a
YouTube video?
We’ve had some Backshop Clinics where Clark has said, “Well
I’ve heard a different perspective,” or “
I have
a different per-
spective on this.” On TMTV, there’s always an opportunity to
say, “Well, there’s more than one way to do something.”
We certainly don’t want to say there’s nothing good on
No, that’s not what we’re saying. I’ve found very useful
information there, but I often spend time looking for it. There’s
no way we’ll be able to do everything on TrainMasters that you
can find on YouTube. We would have to do a show every day!
To me, they’re complementary. It’s not an either/or.
Let me remind everyone we’re making a TV show here.
There is a big difference between a YouTube video and a televi-
sion show, quite frankly.
How about turning the whole price concern on its head? The
typical model railroading DVD price point is about $30. Blu-Ray
disks would cost even more.
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