46.MRH13-12-Dec2013-P - page 139

“I would call my
hobby interests ‘big-
tent.’ I am broadly
inclusive – traction,
diesels, steam,
freight, passenger
cars, whatever – all of
it fascinates me!”
As a producer of the content, I am always concerned
about, “Is it too simple for viewers, or it this going to be over
their heads, or is the terminology of the guests clear?”
I also ask, “Do viewers know what our guests are talking about,
or do we need to explain everything to them?”
It’s all a very fine balance, which requires intuition. I base it on
the people I know in the hobby, and what most of the people I
know would want to see.
That’s exactly how we do MRH as well. There’s a good
synergism between TrainMasters and MRH. A lot of times we
just ask ourselves, “What would we like to see? What do we
think people would be interested in, and would get a lot of
traction with model railroaders?”
The problem is, when I ask, “What would I want to see?”
there is so much I want to see myself! I realize we will never
run out of ideas! On the other hand, where am I going to find
the time to do it all?
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