45. MRH13-11-Nov2013-P - page 94

ike Morrison, a member of the Rustbucket group,
came all the way from Alaska to attend the St. Louis
Prototype Modelers show in August. What a terrific
guy, and funny, too.
ike is a weathering artist in N, HO and O scales. I shot stills and
video of his HO and O work in three shoots over three days.
Day One was overcast, so the scene was lit with 3000 watts of
light to make his O scale models look good. Day Two was sunny
and perfect – lots of train switching footage for the video and
great stills. In the video, I show how to shoot a photo using
Helicon Focus software on a wonderful Central Valley train. I
interview Mike and he explains his weathering philosophy.
Day Three was a night shoot with perfect people shots and
freight car stills. The sounds of the night add to the ambiance
What’s neat column - 2
MRH-Feb 2013
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