45. MRH13-11-Nov2013-P - page 114

Shoofly free-moN module - 4
Layout Planning
The “Free” of Free-moN can be deceptively intoxicating:
between the standard end plates I can do whatever I want! Full
yards! Turntables! Turnback loops and winding grades up into
dramatic mountain passes! And, while you can realize all those
free-ranging dreams with some careful planning, the Number
One Free-moN module design consideration actually has noth-
ing to do with minimum radii, turnout frog number, or length
of train, but with … your car.
Measure the interior for the space you have to transport the
module. The most high-detailed, creative module is useless
unless you can transport it to the show or meet to join up with
the other modules!
That’s why the #1 “unofficial” rule of Free-moN is “If you can’t fit
your module into your car or truck, then IT DOES NOT EXIST!!!”
So I cleaned my Toyota Rav4, folded up the back seats, mea-
sured the space available, and determined I could build a mod-
ule in multiples of 2’x3’ sections. (If I had realized then that I
MRH-Feb 2013
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