“Chicago Fork” Tool List
The Tool list for “Chicago Fork” is largely made up of items
found on any modeler’s workbench. With the exception of
the Hot glue gun and Soldering iron, the tools do not require
power, making operation virtually silent. This along with the
use of foam core permits building of layout sections at times
and in locations which might otherwise be domestically
The tool list is as follows:
- Minimum 600mm (24") ruler
- “Sharpie” marker or equivalent
- X-acto knife + spare blades (!)
- Lo-temp hot glue gun (art and craft version)
+ spare glue sticks (!)
- Rail nipper/rail-cutting saw
- Needle-nosed pliers
- Fine file (track tweaking)
- PVA (White) glue
- Isopropyl alcohol
- Soldering iron + 60/40 General Purpose solder
- Paints for painting/weathering (Tamiya XF series acrylics
+ Jo Sonja Goache)
- Disposable brushes
MRH $500 Contest - 8
MRH-Sep 2013