So while it’s subjective as to
what makes a nice area or
room to house the layout,
here is my list:
The room complements
the layout. By that I mean
that non-layout walls and
areas are painted in such a
way that the colors comple-
ment the layout fascia and
valance. Photos and memo-
rabilia are neatly framed and
displayed to enhance the lay-
out, not distract from it.
The layout room is clean
and neat. I understand that it
takes a bit more work while
the layout is under construc-
tion, but it can be done. The
old adage “everything has a
place, and everything in its
place” applies. I find it much
more enjoyable working on a
project when I can easily find
the tools that I need. Having
to take time to search for a
needed tool or part is frus-
trating to me.
There is ample storage for
supplies that does not dis-
tract from the layout. Some
MRH-Aug 2013