40. MRH13-06-Jun2013 - page 54

See what you are doing
I attended a clinic at a
national NMRA convention
a few years back. The pre-
senter, an ophthalmologist,
as I remember, had two
suggestions for keeping our
eyesight as good as pos-
sible for as long as possible.
First, use as much light
as possible, both general
illumination and spot illu-
mination where you are
working. I have two sets of
tube fluorescents over my
work bench and a “draft-
ing” style articulated arm
lamp for point illumination.
Secondly, keep your eyes
well lubricated. When
they feel scratchy, it is
time to get up from the bench and do something else. Just
a few minutes break helps. Wash your face or some such.
Before and during work sessions, it helps to apply sterile
lubricating drops. This is the bottle I keep on my workbench.
DCC Impulses Column - 6
10: Eye drops. Take care of your
eyes. They are the only ones
you have.
MRH-Jun 2013
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