STEP 1B: Car Sides 76000 – 76499 Series
Since there are no models that I am aware of that have the
9’-3” inside height I assumed that you just add 7” to the
height of the side of the car. This provides a side height of
9’-11” (9’-4” + 7” = 9’-11”). I verified this by pro rating the
differences between the 8’-8” car and the Sunshine 10’-0”
car sides. I came up with the same dimension of 9’-11”.
Once I was comfortable with the dimensions I measured
down from the top of the styrene the 9’-11” distance and
scribed a horizontal line to mark the limits of the side. Now
to the easy part; all the vertical information was transferred
from the previous car sides to the 9’-11” car sides by using
the T-square along with a drafting triangle. When I was
done I had duplicated everything that is needed.