Erie Railroad Boxcars, p1 - 7
9: The freight car diagram for the Erie 75000-75499
series of cars. While some of the data is not legible,
the important dimensions in the drawing are readable.
car. This gives equal spacing at the desired dimensions.
The procedure is repeated for all areas where the pan-
els are. Once all of the panels were marked, I scribed the
seam for the panels.
I got the cart ahead of the horse and placed a piece of
1” x 6” styrene across the top of the car sides using the
T-square to make sure that it was straight. While this step
did not hurt anything, it made transferring location infor-
mation from the 8’-8” to the 9’-3” car side a little more
STEP 1A: Car Sides 75000 – 75999 Series
Continued ...
MRH-Apr 2013