6: Keep-Alive
video: A TCS KA2 module in an HO loco with a
SoundTraxx Tsunami decoder – running on the PCMRC layout.
they suggest that the KA2 (about $40) will keep going for 6 to
15 seconds. That would indicate that the KA2 has three times
the energy storage. My rough testing seems to bear these
numbers out.
So, I decided to test them out on our most finicky locomotive
at the PebbleCreek Model Railroad Club (
. This loco
is a Proto 2000 RS27 that originally had a QSI decoder. It was
changed out for a Tsunami about 5 years ago. We had tried to
use the RS-27 in our large Hammond, IN, yard, but it continu-
ously stumbled on the Atlas code 83 #6 turnouts. The addi-
tion of a Tam Valley Depot Hex Frog Juicer to power the frogs
helped, but didn’t eliminate stalling.
For this test, I disconnected the power input to the Hex Frog
Juicer board, giving totally dead frogs. The video in figure 6
starts with the loco stalled on a turnout and only responding