36. MRH13-02-Feb2013-L - page 9

MRH staff notes - 1
MRH New Assistant Editor, Read MRH website
like a magazine ...
Notes from the
MRH Staff
MRH's new Assistant Editor: Don Hanley
e'd like to introduce MRH's
new Assistant Editor, Don
Hanley. Readers may recog-
nize Don's name from the byline on his
Nevada-California-Oregon Railway pro-
totype modeling series in the March
and April 2012 issues of MRH.
Don also happens to be a winner in our
$500 starter model railroad contest,
but Don submitted that piece before
throwing his hat in the ring for our
Assistant Editor opening.
Don's submissions come to us with a lot of publication-ready
polish already applied, so it's clear Don knows the publishing
ropes, and knows how to write a good article and prepare it for
The Assistant Editor will be working closely with authors to
develop articles for publication, as well as assemble magazines.
Zinser Photography
The five top-rated articles in the
issue of
MRH are:
What's neat - Freight cars of Jeff Meyer
DCC Impulses - DCC Sound
Yes, it's a model
Best layout size using ops timing
Modeling a coal loader, part 2
Issue overall:
Please rate the articles!
Click the reader feedback button on each article and select the
star rating you think each article deserves.
Thank you!
January 2012 MRH
MRH-Feb 2013
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,...142
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